Apple WWDC 2024: Rumors and Predictions
June 7, 2024 By administrador

Apple WWDC 2024: Rumors and Predictions

Being at the crest of the wave of innovation, technically speaking, has always been in Apple’s DNA. The anticipation generated year after year among technology lovers for its next Apple Developers Conference or WWDC (for its acronym in English) is proof of this. The June Apple Event that everyone is waiting for this year is no exception. And with Apple Announcements and New Apple Products as the main attractions, we delve into the most credible speculations about what Apple WWDC 2024 might bring us.

iOS 18: Revolutionizing the User Experience

To begin with, the latest version of the iPhone operating system, iOS 18, seems ready to revolutionize the way we interact with our favorite device. One of the possible changes would be a total renewal of the home screen, exploding its functionality with more customizable and efficient widgets in organizing applications.

In addition, the Siri artificial intelligence could receive a major update in its ability to understand natural language and perform tasks. But that’s not all, because more powerful AI Features could also become a reality in iOS 18. These expanded features thanks to OpenAI could have implications for the camera, photos, and productivity applications.

iPadOS 18: Empowering Productivity to a New Level

Let’s delve into what iPadOS 18 has in store for users. Artificial intelligence is poised to take the iPad to a new level of productivity and efficiency. In addition to the potential improvements it will share with iOS 18, such as a smarter Siri and powerful AI capabilities, these innovations are speculated to be especially focused on maximizing the utility of the device.

This is where multitasking comes into play. iPadOS 18 could improve this feature to offer a better user experience when working with multiple applications at once. This means you could have several applications open and in use at the same time, switching from one to another without difficulty. That would provide a smoother and more productive environment.

In addition, the native productivity applications of the iPad are ready to receive a notable improvement. Applications like Pages, Numbers, and Keynote are expected to be updated to increase their efficiency and ease of use. These improvements could include greater cloud compatibility, real-time collaboration, enhanced templates, and a simpler user interface.

macOS 15: New Applications and Improved Integration

As for macOS 15, rumors suggest that we can expect some major updates for the WWDC 2024 presentation. Leading the improvements would be the inclusion of new applications, which could cover a variety of functions and serve a broader set of users. One of these applications could be an artificial intelligence tool capable of performing advanced tasks and simplifying others.

Another significant improvement that could come with macOS 15 is greater integration with other Apple devices. This would have important implications for Apple Watch, iPhone, and iPad users. The idea would be that your Mac could seamlessly link with these devices, allowing you to continue your work or leisure without interruptions, no matter which device you are working with.

From greater compatibility with applications to simplified integration with other Apple platforms; the possible updates that will accompany the release of macOS 15 could change the way we interact with our Mac devices. All this makes waiting for the confirmation of these rumors at the next WWDC 2024 even more exciting.

watchOS 11 and tvOS 18: Improving the Experience

For watchOS 11, although rumors are scarce, new health and wellness features are expected to be part of the update. As for tvOS 18, although there are no firm rumors, some possible new features could be related to HomePod and home automation.

In conclusion, the excitement surrounding Apple’s WWDC 2024 is palpable thanks to these possible advances. Still, let’s remember that these are speculations based on rumors, and we will only get the full picture on the day of the event. In the meantime, don’t forget to visit, your trusted online store for all your Apple products, where you will find the best prices. And don’t forget to check the Shopdutyfree blog to stay up to date with the latest news in technology and Apple products.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is WWDC 2024? WWDC 2024 is the next edition of the Apple Developers Conference. It is where updates to the iOS, iPadOS, macOS, watchOS, and tvOS operating systems are usually announced.

When is the WWDC 2024 event held? Apple has not yet announced the exact date, but it is generally held in June.

Where can I buy the New Apple products? The New Apple products can be purchased at the online store, where the best price is guaranteed.

What improvements are expected with iOS 18 and iPadOS 18? An improvement in Siri functionality, a redesigned home screen, and more powerful AI features are anticipated.

Where can you follow the most recent Apple Announcements? The Shopdutyfree blog is an excellent resource to stay up to date with the latest Apple announcements and news.